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Heute, Dienstag, 24. September 2024
Dezember '14JanuarFebruar
Mittwoch, 29. Januar 2020
18:00 - QUORUM - Performance Lecture by Ilka Theurich
Diese Veranstaltung wird nur in Englischer Sprache durchgeführt.

QUORUM is a series of theatre and performance research seminars hosted by the Department of Drama, Queen Mary, University of London. Academics, artists, professionals and practitioners working in performance and related fields are invited to share and discuss their research. Recent papers have demonstrated wide-ranging and interdisciplinary concerns which present and provoke pressing questions at the forefront of performance and related studies.

QUORUM heartily encourages any interested persons to attend, including members of the public, undergraduates, postgraduates, artists and professionals. No booking is required.

School of English and Drama
Queen Mary, University of London
Mile End Road
London E1 4NS
22. Januar 2015 - 22. Februar 2015
E I N L A D U N G zur Ausstellungseröffnung am Donnerstag, 22. Januar 2015 um 18 Uhr von PENvolution - Kommunikation und Kreativität im Wandel der Digitalisierung.

Ausstellende Künstler/innen: Vincent Zucca (Rouen), Andrzej Wasilewski (Poznan), Prof. Ebisawa Tatsuo (Hiroshima), Ai Kobayashi (Hiroshima), Lucky Zerembe Mkandawire (Blantyre), Debby Locke (Bristol), Dr. Tomasz Wendland (Poznan), Kerstin Schulz (Hannover), Susanne Hoffmann (Hannover), Harro Schmidt (Hannover), Shige Fujishiro (Hannover), Ilse Paul (Hannover), Jean-Robert Valentin (Hannover), Rolf Kolbien (Hannover), Niels Hartge (Hannover).

KUBUS Hannover
Theodor-Lessing-Platz 2
30159 Hannover

Dienstag bis Freitag 11-18 Uhr
Samstag und Sonntag 11-16 Uhr